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发布时间:2024-07-26 13:08:28作者:若尘



  With the upcoming Ahn’Qiraj event in WoW Classic, we’ve seen players  discussing transferring to a different server to become the Scarab Lord. We’d  like to clarify that there is a 90-day period following a character transfer,  during which a player is prevented from opening the gates and obtaining the  mount.

  If you transfer to another realm, you will still be able to complete the  quest within 90 days of the transfer, however, you will not receive the rewards  associated with being the first to turn it in. We want to allow players to  transfer, but that should be so they can play with their friends, not disrupt  another realm’s Scepter race.

  随着WoW经典怀旧Ahn'Qiraj事件的即将到来,我们看到有玩家在讨论转到其他服务器成为甲虫之王。  我们要说明的是,角色转后有90天的时间,在这段时间内,玩家是无法开启城门和获得坐骑的。

  如果你转到其他服,你仍然可以在转后的90天内完成任务,但是,你将无法获得第一个交出任务的相关奖励。  我们允许玩家转服,这应该是为了让他们能和朋友一起玩,而不是扰乱另一个服务器的节杖比赛。

80级数据库-3.35版本[巫妖王之怒] 70级数据库-2.43版本[燃烧的远征] 60级数据库-1.12版本



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